Sunshine SkyWay Bridge
As we turned south into the ICW we came astern of a large trawler named "Passing Gas" They had been cruising this area for a number of years and gave us a tip on getting fuel in Fort Myers. Fifty cents a gallon cheaper at the shrimp dock if we pay cash. Figuring we will need approximately 500 gallons, we could save $250..a no brainer if we can find the shrimp docks!
Beautiful blue sky with wisps of thin white clouds accentuated the Caribbean blue water as we passed through mangroves and by expansive waterfront homes in this part of the intracoastal.
Just as I was thinking what a pleasant trip this was, we encountered our first bridge. A mere 10 minute delay and we carried the next bridge.....and the next bridge....and... oh well, you get the idea....13 bridges in all! Finally, the last bridge and we entered Charlotte Harbour Bay. A reserved slip was waiting for us at Laishley Point in Punta Gorda and not wanting to arrive in the dark to navigate under the bridges into the marina we opened Doc's Holiday up, crossing this rather expansive bay. 16.5 knots easily on plane and it negated the rolling effect of the quartering sea that was causing us to roll somewhat at our normal cruising speed of 9 knots.
We slowly entered the marina with a 15 knot wind pushing us toward the slip ( and the other boats!) Unable to back the boat into the concrete slip because of the wind and my inability to see either of Doc's Holiday's aft corners I turned the boat around and nosed her into the slip. The full time slip tenants standing on the bow of their boats seemed much relieved that their boats didn't get scratched but rather than gawking they might have come over to help us get the boat tied down. The wind and fetch was pushing us away from the dock. Fortunately, Jennifer met us at the dock and was able to cleat off a spring line and help us secure the boat in this very rocky-roly slip.
Eighty-two miles and 13 bridge openings....Why? you ask. Why didn't you slow down, stop and smell the roses. Why didn't we stop at beautiful Venice? ( We could see why it was named Venice as the houses were on caribbean blue canals all along the waterway.) Because, after visiting the Naval Air Museum in Pensacola, I wanted to see the Blue Angels air show and they were performing at the Punta Gorda airport tomorrow.
If I keep this schedule up, I may be the only one travelling on this boat all the way to Maine!
We were worried when Jennifer informed us that she had difficulty finding a parking spot because there was a wedding in progress at the marina. It was our good fortune to be there for this wedding. An hour after dark our dog Spencer and I were relaxing on the upper deck enjoying our cocktail, when the sky exploded with a spectacular display of fireworks being ignited not more than 200 yards from our slip. We both jumped and Spencer ran over to the hatch and jumped (read fell) down the stairs to the lower helm. Scared but not injured, he ran to his mother and must have wimpered to her that I was to blame for not holding on to him tighter, because thats what I heard....for the rest of the night! Ugh! Wimpy rat!! Who cared that I had to go change my underwear!
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