14 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

Newsletter Jan 2012: “Baptism - Entry into the Community”

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There are several days throughout the Christian year thatare appropriate for Christian baptism, one of which is the Easter Vigil.  This year, we will have the opportunity as acommunity to welcome a new member to the Body of Christ on this wonderful nightthrough the Rite of Baptism.  Baptism isfull initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, theChurch.  Baptism is not a private affair,but a communal event in which we welcome candidates into the community.  It was through the waters of the Red Sea thatthe whole people of Israel were set free, and it is through the waters ofBaptism that the Body of Christ is set free our bondage of sin.  It is through baptism that we follow theexample of Christ and by it we participate in the Paschal Mystery of his deathand resurrection: “In it we are buried with Christ in his death,” and “by it weshare in his resurrection.” (Book of Common Prayer p. 306)  In the Thanksgiving over the Water, ourtheology of Baptism is clearly stated in the phrase, “We bring into hisfellowship those who come to him in faith, baptizing them in the name of theFather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” (Book of Common Prayer, p.305) 

It is in our common belief in God the Holy Spirit actingin the world and through the church, the communion of all God’s people, theforgiveness of sins, our hope of the resurrection and the life everlasting thatforms our understanding of the community of God.   In the baptismal covenant we recognize the community’scall corporately and as individuals to be witnesses to the Good News of God inChrist through our lives.  We also promiseto “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself,”and “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity ofevery human being.” (Book of Common Prayer p. 305) 
The baptismal service this year at the Easter Vigil maybe a little different from those held in the past.  The baptismal font will be located at andremain at the door of the church and the Paschal Candle will remain near thefront of the church.  This is not a new wayof doing the liturgy, but a recapturing of the ancient practices of Baptism.  In the first few centuries of the church,baptisms always took place at the door of the church to remind the candidatesand the congregation that baptism was the “door to entering thecommunity.”  With the Liturgical Movementof the mid 20th century and the advent of the 1979 Book of CommonPrayer, the Rite of Baptism has been transformed to once again, recapture the earlysymbolism of the rite.  Thus, the baptismfor the candidate at the Easter Vigil will take place at the present locationof the font (near the church doors).  Therite will begin with “The Presentation and Examination of the Candidates,” and theparticipants will sit in the front row until the phrase, “The Candidate(s) forHoly Baptism will now be presented,” at which time they will stand.  The entire congregation however, will remainseated until the reciting of the Baptismal Covenant at which time, theparticipants and the congregation will stand together.  This will reflect the nature of the communityexpressing their solidarity with the candidates in their Trinitarianfaith.  The congregation and participantswill remain standing through the prayers for the candidates. 
After the prayers, an acolyte will carry the Paschalcandle and process to the font followed by the celebrant and thecandidate/sponsors/godparents.   Thecongregation will turn and face the candidate and those who would like togather with them at the font are welcome. It is with the community gathered with the candidate at baptism thatheightens the symbolism of baptism as the act of initiation into the Body ofChrist, the church.   After the baptism andwhile at the font, the celebrant will say, “Let us welcome the newly baptized,”after which the people and celebrant together say, “We receive you into thehousehold of God.  Confess the faith ofChrist crucified, proclaim his resurrection,
and share with us in his eternal priesthood.”   After thisstatement and prior to the peace, the newly baptized will process behind thePaschal candle and celebrant to the front of the nave and both the participantsand congregation will remain standing. It is at this point that the congregation gathered, which now includesthe newly baptized, will greet each other and after that the celebrant will announcethe exchange of the peace.   It is after that the newly baptize willreceive communion for the first time. 
It is through the waters of baptism that we all enterinto the Body of Christ, the Church.  Ipray you will join us for the Easter Vigil on April 7th and welcomethe newest Christian to our flock. 

Fr. Eric+

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