The Harvey canal was ten barges and boats deep on each side with crew boats, casino boats, paddle boats, and ship repair yards. Fortunately we came through on a Sunday so no one was working and the traffic was non existent.
As well, we were the only boat in the Harvey Lock (by the way, this is mile marker 0 for boats headed west). Beth got what she has been trying to prepare for...."locking through". The lock master directed us to hold on the south bank until a barge exited, than with a blast from the whistle we followed directions to enter and tie up to the starboard side. All hands on deck...were ordered back in (by the lock master) to put on life jackets, then back out to handle the bumpers and one line around a round pipe in a pigeon hole on the side of the lock. I was told to leave the boat out of gear but the wind was twisting the boat and I didn't want the rails to hit the lock wall sooo..I used the motors to keep the boat off the wall.....sooo... the lock master abruptly informed...guess who? Beth, to tell the captain that the pressure from the props could force the doors closed and we might be in there a long time. With her angelic smile she let him know that this was our first time in a lock and he responded, "yes, I could tell!."
Our turn to go into the Harvey Lock.
The locks opened and with a blast from the horn, we were spit out into the mighty Mississippi, (I love typing that word!) Mighty it is. We were surprised at the width and the speed (our normal 9 knots increased to 12.5, but what was really impressive was the speed which the large container ships and tankers were coming up the river! We barely had time to cross over to the east side to get to the entrance to the Industrial Canal because of a rapidly approaching tanker. We made it but than nose dived into his wake...WooHoo!
Mississippi River.
Turning into the Industrial Canal locks, we were told to hold up at a floating dock off to the south side so we knew it would be a while. Forty-five minutes later, "old pros!" entered and took two lines from the dock hand. This time we dropped 6 feet without incident.
Tied up waiting for passage through the Industrial Canal Lock.
We were in a hurry to get landed before a reported front with wind gusts of up to 50 m.p.h. was to reach us, so I didn't get a close look at all the scenery but what I did take in was less than beautiful scenery. In fact, I can only describe it as an industrial waste land...scrap yards, industrial repair yards and grain elevators. The best part of it was, no waves or wakes.
As we found our docking space, the wind increased, it was quickly getting dark and the dock was not straight. There was a 3 to 4 foot offset where one floating dock was attached to a narrower dock. At first it seemed it would be easy to get in both Mildred and I felt the wind would push us onto the dock.....NOT! I guess it was the way the marina buildings were positioned or maybe the wind changed but from being initially pushed towards the dock and just as Tom and Beth were about to throw a line around a cleat, we were pushed off the dock. When we finally did get a mid cleat spring line to stay it was difficult to back down because of the offset make a long story short, one and a half hours later we were tied snugly to the dock
Exhausted, we barbecured some steaks, tossed some salad and mashed up the potatoes to help us swallow several cocktails. I say barbecured, because Tom likes his steaks so rare I think they are just cured rather than cooked! Me, I like them burnt. My Mother, affectionately called "Nanny" was a poor cook and burnt everything. Dad use to say she could burn water! Consequently I grew up to love burnt food.
Today, we need to clean up the boat, arrange transportation to get Beth to the airport and us back to Beaumont. It will be 3 weeks before we can return to get the props changed out and continue our saga. Thank heaven. I need to return to work to get a rest.!
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