
Thesetwo seem to be struggling with their understanding of piety during Lent. At both extremes from Jean’s televisionabstinence to Tara’s rejection of traditions outright, both people seem to missthe point of piety. The practice ofgiving something up or taking something on during Lent, as well as such acts ascrossing oneself, bowing, reading scripture, or even the practice of regular prayerare all acts of piety. Piety before Godis not something we do to gain favor from God nor from the folks around us,piety is our external response to the internal grace, of which we become awarethrough our ongoing relationship with God.
Pietycan be a beautiful, symbolic response to our spiritual condition. Like the gift of a single, red rose given toa loved one because of a shared love that overflows, our piety is a response,not an act intended to manipulate. Graceis a free gift from God and not something we earn or coerce. Our responses to God’s love, loving ourneighbors, praying, reading scripture, or fasting is a RESPONSE to God’s love, notthe means to gain it. God’s love that isalways present.
Piousresponses, a beautiful, symbolic outpouring of our spiritual condition, candepending on our heart’s intent, devolve into empty traditions that lose theirpurpose and bring us no closer to God. Jesuscautioned, "Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to beseen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven.” If you recall the parable of the Pharisee andTax Collector praying in the temple, you understand Jesus’ warning on theavoidance of outward symbols of religious practice. It was not uncommon in early Palestine forreligious leaders and even devout lay folk, to fast faithfully, prayincessantly, or give alms reluctantly. For some folks, their outward actions were not in response to theinward, spiritual grace they had experienced, but more of an opportunity to sayto their friends, “look at how religious I am.”
Twoseminarians were chatting one day in the hallway between classes. One said, “I read the daily office everyday, I attend chapel six times a week, I devote two hours a day to personalstudy of scripture, and I see a spiritual director monthly.” The other seminarian smiled and said, “Howwonderful.” The two parted ways, and theother seminarian quietly went about her normal day’s routine, which ended with along walk along the trails on the mountain, where she basked in the love of herLord.”
Lentis a season for us to become acutely aware of our need to grow closer to God,not an opportunity to practice piety in hopes we will gain God’s favor or theaccolades of others. In the next fewweeks, we can with intention, become acutely aware of God’s grace that isalready present all around us. We knowthat grace abounds each time we take a breath. Life itself is a gift from God. Today, in the liturgy of the “Imposition of Ashes,” we are reminded ofour mortality. We are reminded thatgrace is present in the mere fact that we live. “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Sobering words they are, but we who are Jesusfollowers, know that ashes are not the end for we live in the hope that God’s loveextends beyond our dustiness.
Ourhope is in God: Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer who promises us that we will notbe abandoned to the dust. God’s love forus extends beyond the grave and because of that love, our hearts mustrespond. Jesus said, “For where yourtreasure is, there your heart will be also." We are encouraged to be intentional the nextfew weeks and even beyond, to spend some time with God in some very meaningfulways. Let God’s Spirit reside with youdaily in times of conversation and silence. Do something different this Lent that you have never done before;something that brings vividly to mind God’s gift of life (a daily stroll on thebeach, a quiet moment in the sun, a cup of tea and focused breathing).
Letyour piety this season be not a burden of self debasing, or an outward show forothers to see. Merely, let this Lent bea time for prayer, introspection, contrition, study, and acknowledgement of themessage of pardon and absolution we have in Christ. In other words, let your actions be areflection of your heart, which is filled with a deep longing and love forChrist.
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