The day started out fine. We were up early as usual. I heard the camera click repeatedly as we walked around Morehead city admiring the fishing village's quaint art shops and their advertising for the Marlin fishing tournament that was in progress this week. There were lots of large sports fishing boats with lots of people drinking, talking loudly and patting each other on the back. Everyone seemed to be happy.
Docs Holiday at the Morehead City Yacht Basin.......Marlin Tourney in process
Serious Business.....they come from all over!
Getting ready to pull out.
Floyds Seafood Restaurant.......Yummy fresh Grouper!!
I thought to myself as I found a nice fresh piece of grass to pee on, even Mommy and Daddy seemed to be getting along now. We went back to the boat and they prepared the boat for departure. Docs Holiday was pinned to the dock with a breeze but we got out without hitting any of the big expensive sport fishing boats. As we headed out to the ICW the breeze abated and we had a slow relaxing river ride. We passed several smaller marinas and many small farms on the way up the river and I heard them talk about going all the way to Palmico Sound, since it was such a nice day.
Our tax $'s at work keeping us safe.
Bird Houses on a pole????? Canadian Geese feeding....Better here than up North???
That all changed though when we pulled out into the Neuse River. The wind had increased to 20 knots with gusts to 25 knots out of the northwest. This causes the water to build up into steep waves at this end of the river. I heard Daddy curse saying something like,"This is Bull Pucky! We can't go 15 miles in this we are going to go into Oriental. It's only 2 miles away. With that Daddy turned the wheel and headed with the waves towards the other shore. The movement of the boat was much better and I could finally jump down to go to my cage and pee!
Mother Nature getting ready to stir the pot!!!
I watched as Mommy told Daddy where the crab pots were as we entered under the bridge and they found a nice place to "drop the anchor". Wow, the sun was out and the boat was almost motionless. I found a nice warm sunny spot on the back deck and as my eyes got sleepy I drifted off listening to the the birds chirping and the occsional splash made by those things under the water.
love Spencer
Our anchorage off Oriental City Marina, N.C.
UFO spying on us while we were having cocktails on the back deck.
Oriental Sunset
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