Cutty Hunk Sunrise at 5:30 AM!
We had a leisurely morning biding our time to take off for "Hogs Channel" that leads into the Cape Cod Canal. Why?....I will quote from the active captain review which showed a hazard marker at this channel:
"Under the right conditions, the channel all the way out to wings neck and beyond can present truly violent sea conditions, with short period, steep faced, 6-8 foot waves. It will be the pounding of a lifetime for many boaters. What are the conditions? Outgoing tide and a SW wind (which is the prevailing wind). All the water flows in the channel because it's so much deeper than the surrounding waters, and the winds funnel up the bay. It's Hell on water.""
No, we weren't having our final meal! We were waiting for the time, tide, wind...and sanctions from the gods...especially Neptune ( god of the sea!) to all fall in conjunction so we could get the easiest passage through this hazard. So what do you think happened??
We left Cuttyhunk a little early...SLACK TIDE wasn't until 2:45 in the we were supposed to leave for the 30 mile trip at around 11:30. Given our apprehension, we left at 10:30 figuring we could sit and wait for the tide to change. I know you are expecting some catastrophe to happen but it didn't. Buzzard's Bay was perfectly calm. There was only a 2 to 5 knot wind and it was coming from the north so we slowed down so much (4 to 5 knots) the sailboats were passing us. It was sunny and cool as we gently bobbed over the small ocean swells and we timed it perfectly. As we entered "Hogs Channel", the tide changed and even though we could sense that the current was strong, we actually got a push from the west to east tide that assisted us along to the west end of the Cape Cod Channel, where we had a slip at Sandwich Marina waiting for us. Thank you, Active Captain and the contributing reviewers.
Cape Cod Canal Railroad Bridge
Retrieving ? Mooring Ball on Cape Cod Canal
By now most of our friends and relatives realize that we are seriously coming home. My good friend Marshall Lucas called and would like to join us around Portland, Me and he called his brother Charlie who lives in Falmouth, MA. Charlie, is in the coast guard auxiliary and he and his wife showed up at the boat with goodies....fresh shrimp that Marilyn cooked herself, a variety of fruit, cheese, deli meat, crackers, and most importantly ice and WINE.....damn, we are close to being home and they have helped us feel it.... It was nice talking and catching up on old friend stories about family and escapades.....Thank you, Charlie and Marilyn.
As I sit here looking out the windows, the day is dawning. Lobster men are arriving and getting their boats ready for the days work. Their boats growl to life and they set out in the predawn perfectly calm water to ply their trade. I silently wish them well, good weather and a fair catch.
We will be leaving for Gloucester, MA and possibly along to Portsmouth, NH if tide and weather permit.
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