Alantic City, NJ lights.
Barnegat Inlet, NJ
Miles and miles of N.J. Beaches packed with people today.
"Goosebumps. I have goosebumps all over", Beth said as I reached over and gently felt the bumpy skin on her forearms.
"Can you believe we actually made it to New York City!" she remarked as we both gazed out over the hazy water to watch the outline of NYC take shape. We were rounding Sandy Hook after a pleasant ride up the Atlantic Coast.
"Who ever would have believed that two kids from Charlotte County, New Brunswick would have travelled this far on a boat to see this view of NYC. I can't believe we've done it. It's almost like we are home!" Beth said with a big grin.
I cautioned her, "We still have a long way to go!" as I tried to supress my growing excitement.
Leaving Atlantic City at 06:00, I elected to bump up the speed to make sure that we were around Sandy Hook before the afternoon winds reached their predicted increase to 20 knots with gusts to 25.
The first thing we noticed was a change in the air. Even Spencer had his nose up sniffing at fresh salty sea air.(not quite like home but the closest so far). Next, we noticed the beaches were getting more and more people and by the time we got near Sandy Hook some of the beaches looked like seething ant colonies....not my idea of a day at the beach but I bet it was a relief for those who have to suffer the heat in the NYC- NJ area( which has a population of 17.9 million people!)
Docs Holiday Highlands Marina, Sandy Hook, N.J.
We pulled into the Atlantic Highlands Marina, tanked up with fuel, since it was the cheapest we will see (reportedly at $3.34/gal, 85 c/gal cheaper than in NYC!) then slid Doc's Holiday into a slip to await an approaching front. We immediately got cleaned and dressed up (as much as boat people can dress up...clean shirt, jeans and running shoes instead of bare feet!) and jumped on the ferry for the 45 minute ride into Manhatten. It was thrilling to see in the distance; the empire state building, the statue of liberty and Brooklyn Bridge. What we were going to see in NYC was awe inspiring.
Landing at Pier 11 at the bottom of wall street, I immediately accosted a young fellow with a dog with, "Where's the bull?" "What!" he responded. "The wall street bull. Do you know where we can find it?" I laughed. He laughed and responded, "Most of wall street is full of bull but go two blocks up and over to Broadway. You will see it at Bowling Green Park."
Guess who's Boss!!!
Beth looked up at the towering buildings her mouth agape repeating,"I can't believe I am in New York city! It is just overwhelming.!"
We sauntered past the New York Stock Exchange, thrilled with the history and magnitude of the area. After the requisite pictures with the bull, we meandered through the streets marvelling at not only the buildings but the variety of people we passed on the streets. All shapes, sizes and dressing, from Indian and muslim swaries to 6 inch high heeled short dresses, passed us. All going somewhere. Some tourists and lots of people dressed in business suits, most in a hurry (how do those girls run in high heel shoes without spraining an ankle?), all rushing, most with sullen looks on their faces, all looking at anything but the people they were passing. Most seemed surprised when I would say, " Hello. " Occasionally, one would grunt a response and rarely would one stop and talk.
We wandered until we found the 911 Veterans memorial site at the fallen twin towers. Sobering! Viewing the site gave one a jittery sick feeling in the pit of one's stomach thinking that so many people died, not only in the destruction of the buildings, but died trying to rescue those few that were alive and trapped inside. For what!! ...another #&%#@$ up religious belief! I better stop. I feel another rant coming on!
Waiting at the ferry dock for our return to Atlantic Highlands we looked up at the towering buildings and across the water at the lights on the bridges, passing boats, and ever present auto traffick. Amazing, simply an amazing sight!....but in the end, not for me. The more I see, the more I realize that our little remote area of this big blue ball we live on has as much as I really need to be happy, and a whole lot less of the vicissitudes of civilization that infect the cities. I guess it really is time to come home.
Tomorrow, we would rendezvous with Sea Pearl (Joe and Julie) who have kindly offered to lead us through New York Harbour so we can get pictures pictures of Doc's Holiday near the Statue of Liberty.
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