Sharing an exciting press release from our local Chamber of Commerce:
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Photo Courtesy Dolphin Explorer |
MARCO ISLAND, FLA., February 4, 2013 – MarcoIsland will be the only Florida destination featured in an upcomingNational Geographic book, “100 Places That Can Change Your Child’s Life: FromYour Backyard to the Ends of the Earth,” to be released on February 5,2013. In the book, author Keith Bellows showcases the 10,000 IslandsDolphin Project as the premier excursion that best highlights thedestination, its culture and people while also providing an experience thatwill enrich the life of a child.
“The world is the greatest classroom we have,” writes Bellows —editor-in-chief of National Geographic Traveler magazine and fatherof three — in his introduction. “I’m convinced that any parent willing togive the gift of travel offers the gift that keeps on giving. Children wholearn to travel will travel to learn. And they will do it all their lives.”
From the treetops of Costa Rica to the Grand Canyon to Loch Ness, “100 PlacesThat Can Change Your Child’s Life” explores the world, plumbing the heartof each special place and presenting it through a kid’s eyes. Each chapterfeatures one unforgettable trip designed to leave a lasting impression on anychild. Divided by region, the book looks at exciting travel locations forchildren in the United States/Canada; Caribbean/Mexico/South America; Europe;Africa/Middle East; Asia; and Oceania/Antarctica.
“It is a distinct honor to be featured as one of the toptravel experiences for children, not just in Florida but around the world,”said Capt. Chris Desmond, founder and director, 10,000 Islands Dolphin Project.“Our goal is to provide an eco-tour that is both fun and educational for kidsand adults alike, and this recognition is a testament to the hard work anddedication of the entire Dolphin Project team.”
The 10,000 Islands Dolphin Project is the onlyongoing study of wild dolphins in Southwest Florida and the only one in theUnited States that engages and is supported by the general public. For morethan seven years, the Project has identified, catalogued and studied over 300resident bottle-nose dolphins. The 10,000 Islands Dolphin Project welcomes publicparticipation. Guests who purchase tickets to cruise on one of two dailytrips alongside dolphin researchers aboard the Dolphin Explorer boatbecome citizen scientists through onboard involvement in dolphin surveyactivities, in addition to providing financial support with their ticketpurchase. Children participate alongside researchers to complete the “DolphinChallenge” and assist with photo identification, behavior evaluation andmore.
In addition to public cruises, the 10,000 Islands DolphinProject also offers an environmental studies program designed for elementaryschools that is highlighted by live video reports from the boat. The Project isfunded and managed by Sea Excursions, Inc., a provider of water-relatedactivities and services to visitors, residents, groups and hotels in SouthwestFlorida. For more information or to schedule your own dolphin experience, contact Sea Excursions at (239)642-6899.
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