
Deep within the noble mirror my novel soulresides,
Thechurch is supposed to live as a reconciliation community. Our mission is to bring others to “unity withGod and each other in Christ.” We arenot only a respite place, an island of love where its members can escape from aworld where division, malice, and unrest abounds. We are a mission society that is sent out toshow the world what reconciliation in Christ is really like. A “community of reconciliation is to be, andwill be, a neighborhood where the old is put off and the new put on.” 2 Ourpurpose is to be a place for personal transformation, communal transformation,so we can transform God’s world. Thechurch is like a laboratory, a gymnasium, a practice field where we can cometogether in Christ, and live out together, love, mercy, and grace that willflow from beyond the walls of the building. We are members of one another and as such, how we are perceived, the reflectionwe cast in the world, the image of our everyday lives, should show the worldreconciling love.
Jesussaid, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever;and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh." Jesus met folks where they were. Jesus brought healing to all with whom hecame in contact. Jesus never worriedabout what made him feel good, what he wanted, what filled his needs. Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick,restored the outcast, and eventually, he gave himself up fully to the world todo with him, as we wished. Jesus lovedbeyond himself. Jesus did not judge thefailures of those who wanted to follow him, but for whatever reason could notmake that leap rather, he invited them and grieved when they turned and walkedaway. Jesus invited everyone to journeywith him regardless of his or her background, failure, social place, ortheological perspective. Jesus loved inways that we sometimes cannot.
Thisimage of Our Lord, is the image we are called to reflect. We are not merely to put this image on forspecial gatherings, for Sunday mornings, but this image should be one wereflect all the time. Even when thingsare tough, when we are having that bad day, even when it doesn’t seem like wecan cope, if we stand in the mirror and look long enough, we can see the faceof Christ in ours. See, even when wemight fail to live up to the perfection of Christ, we truly have in us thespark of the divine presence. We aremarked as Christ’s own and sealed by the Holy Spirit by our baptism. That spark of that image never goesaway. So whether we are in our PJ’s withfrumped up hair, no makeup, five o’clock shadow, and un-brushed teeth, or weare standing tall in the latest fashion, the finest designer haircut, or themost appropriate social skills, we have in us a glimpse of the image of God’sdivine Spirit in us.
Theother day, I happened to look at the website of an Episcopal parish in anotherpart of Florida. I read a recent sermonpreached by the priest and I found it very interesting. In her homily she asked parishioners towrestle prayerfully with this question, “if St. Swithin’s was not here nextweek, would the community of Swithinville miss us?” Then she added, “Why would we bemissed?” We need to wrestle with thatquestion, as we wrestle to be imitators of God. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus chargedthem to be "imitators of God." He encouraged the little community and the individuals in it, to mimicGod. As we hear the scripture read thismorning, we need to recognize that we are also the recipients of Paul’sletter. We too are called to imitateGod, maybe even to impersonate God both as a community and as the individualswho make up that community. We cometogether as a faith community not merely gathering for our benefit, yes, ourbenefit makes us better witnesses, but we gather as a community so we can showthe world what a reconciling communityis really like. We do that not by tryingto put on airs with great hair, makeup, saying the right things, acting theright way. We do that by being people oflove who can accept our neighbors’ failures, our neighbors’ imperfections, andour neighbors’ struggles to live into the reconciling grace of God.
Ifwe are going to truly fulfill our mission “to bring all people to unity withGod and each other in Christ,” then the mission needs to begin with each of us. Thus, we will begin to live as the redeemed and our lives will be thereal thing, not "knock-offs" of the humans we would be withoutGod. I believe we are well on our wayand in Christ, the church has begun to resemble the creature humanity was meantto be—a humanity created in God's image.
3 Olson, Ronald. "Thinking And Practicing Reconciliation" : The Ephesian TextsFor Pentecost 8-14." Word & World 17.3 (1997): 322-328. ATLASerials,Religion Collection. Web. 7 Aug. 2012.
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